Idaho Water News

Current Water Curtailment Order:

Water curtailment solution meeting brings parties together

‘This affects every single person.’ VanderSloot urges community, leaders to act on longterm water solution

Frank Vandersloot Statement at Melaleuca Freedom Celebration

“It’s a broken system” – Idaho farmer reacts to state water battle

Gov. Little signs executive order to protect Idaho water sovereignty

Gov. Brad Little holds news conference on water curtailment issue

VanderSloot: Why did the stock price of Idaho Power jump when governor told farmers he was turning off their wells?

Water Curtailment Order Lifted For East Idaho Farmers

Gov. Little applauds successful negotiations to avoid eastern Idaho water curtailment

Lt. Governor Bedke’s statement on ongoing water users’ negotiations for 2024’s water certainty

“There is still work to do” – Farmers moving forward after water curtailment cancelled

Eastern Idaho Water Rights Coalition

Stay informed with Idaho's latest water legislation, reservoir contents, major issues involving water rights, and more.


Eastern Idaho Water Rights Coalition Members:

The Idaho Department of Water Resources does a follow-up to their water supply forecast for the Surface Water Coalition in July and again in September. In this July order they find that the Twin Falls Canal now only has a predicted shortfall of 6,800 acre-feet vs. 74,100 in the April forecast. Therefore there is now no curtailment and the previous order is lifted.

Order Revising April 2024 Forecast Supply and Amending Curtailment Order (Methodology Steps 5 & 6)

Eastern Idaho Water Rights Coalition Members:

Please see the attached Press Release from the Idaho Department of Water Resources.

News Articles - Stay current with all of the latest water news articles.

Current Water Curtailment Order

Ditch the secret backroom dam breaching deals. Let’s focus on common ground.

by Governor Brad Little and Lt. Governor Scott Bedke | 12/15/2023

Lower Snake River dams closer to coming down with new agreement

by Anna V. Smith | High Country News | 12/15/2023

It’s official: Dam agreement announced

by | Lewiston Tribute | 12/15/2023

U.S. Government Sets New Course on Lower Snake River, Toward ‘Right Side of History’

by Jaqueline Koch | National Wildlife Federation | 12/14/2023

Irrigators support dam settlement

by | Lewiston Tribute | 12/14/2023

About This Site

Thank you for visiting. To learn more about water related issues we face in Eastern Idaho, please visit our Idaho Water News page. If you wish to have a part in preserving our precious resources, please visit our Get Involved page.

Eastern Idaho Water Rights Coalition 2024 Goals

  1. Participate actively in water legislation development and related political actions.
  2. Conduct water education for legislators including ESPA GMA plans and a Legislative Water College Tour in Eastern Idaho.
  3. Monitor and participate in the ESPA Groundwater Management Area process.
  4. Continue to fund an expert to participate on the ESPA Aquifer Modeling Committee, but with abbreviated reports.
  5. Help non-city municipal water providers find a better path to be a part of the SWC agreement and ESPA GMA.

EIWRC Mission Statement

The Eastern Idaho Water Rights Coalition understands the vital importance of water to Eastern Idaho's economy now and in the future. The coalition provides a strong and unified voice to protect water rights critical for economic growth in Eastern Idaho and promotes discussion and ideas that will best enhance the utilization of water for future economic development.

Contact the EIWRC

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Eastern Idaho Water Rights Coalition c/o Keith EsplinP.O. Box 500
Island Park, ID 83429

Financial Disclosure

The Eastern Idaho Water Rights Coalition was formed and registered in 2007 in the State of Idaho as non-profit, tax-exempt corporation. A similar designation under Section 501©(3) of the IRS code is pending. A letter verifying the tax-exempt status of the EIWRC can be obtained by contacting us at: Eastern Idaho Water Rights Coalition, c/o Keith Esplin, 593 East 5th South, Rexburg, ID 83440. Financial summary information for the Eastern Idaho Water Rights Coalition is contained in its annual report.